A great thing can start with a small conversation, get in touch, don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, in person, email or phone.
In Person: 3224 W. Main St. Suite E. East Troy, WI
Phone: 262-642-9801
Mail: P.O. Box 16, East Troy, WI 53120
Randy’s email: randy@bwoinsurance.com
Greg’s email: gregd@bwoinsurance.com
Michelle’s email: michelleb@bwoinsurance.com
Pat’s email: pat@bwoinsurance.com
Office Hours: M, T, Th, F 8:30 to 5:00
We attempt to schedule our out-of-office appointments for Wednesdays. If you need to meet with us at our office or at your location on a Wednesday please call ahead and we will be happy to schedule an appointment.